Things I Learnt About Love From A Broken Heart

Hello my lovely readers! Happy Valentines Day! Love is in the air and it definitely is in the air for this writer too. On the blog today, I bring you lessons on love. Lessons I have learnt through heartbreak. You’re probably wondering why I’m writing about this on this day but I figured, what better way to celebrate the month of love than sharing lessons on love?

Continue reading “Things I Learnt About Love From A Broken Heart”

5 Tips to Help You Juggle All Your Responsibilities

Over the last year, I found myself carrying vital responsibilities in different areas. I started working everyday, serving in different areas at church, trying to build a brand, etc. Everything felt like it happened so fast. I went from having only one thing to do in a day to having thousands! Well, “thousands” is definitely an exaggeration but it surely did feel like a thousand things to do. In the beginning it felt hard and I was crying every other weekend, but eventually, after lots of help and advice, I got through 2023 without losing my mind. In this post, I’m gonna tell you how I made it.

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My 2024 Blogging Goals: New Year, Evolving Blog

This is officially the first blog post of the year so I must welcome you to the 2024 version of Dose of Wonani: The Blog. Happy New Year my lovely readers! I pray that this year is kind to you and those around you.
The beginning of the year demands I share a post about my hopes for the new year so I will do just that. If you haven’t thought about what your hopes, expectations or dreams are for the new year, I would recommend you do. However, if you don’t, that’s okay too. Just still have a vision or at least something you’re aligned to.

Here are my blogging goals, 2024 Edition!

Blog Consistently

I’m looking forward to the day when this is not on my list of goals for the blog because I would already be doing it well. However, for this year, it makes it to the list. I have accepted that my life looks and is significantly different from when I first started the blog. However, I don’t want my schedule to keep me away from the blog completely to a point where I have to shut it down. I believe in this blog so much so that I want to give it my best, whatever my best looks like in different seasons.

So, I don’t know if this will be monthly, fortnightly or weekly posts but I do intend to get into some kind of rhythm. I do have some post ideas already but I would love to get more from you as well so please, do tell me what you would like to see from me this year.

Actually Share the Blog Posts

One thing I do not do well with the blog is market it. So I want to make it a point to market and advertise the blog more this year. Make use of my social media platforms and just bring people into the blogging world.

Write Authentic Stories

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been doing this all along but I know there are some things I’ve kept hidden and to myself and now I feel like this is the right time to tell those stories. As always, my hope for every blog post is that it reaches the right person and helps them the exact way it should. I want for these posts to be someone’s answered prayer and for that person to know that someone has been through it too. So, here’s to being more vulnerable, honest and authentic. This is a safe space.

I’ve also gone through a lot of change over the last year and it’s time for my content to reflect that so I am, indeed, looking forward to one.

Community Engagement, Personal Emails

I really want to grow my engagement here and just be more present. I want this to be a community and so I’m actively working towards that. I also want to grow my mailing list and do more exclusive content for that community. My goal is to introduce a monthly personal email that doesn’t make it to the blog. Those will definitely be a lot more intimate and personal and just generate more conversation. Insight into what goes on with me. So if you aren’t subscribed, do that now!

A Self-Financing Blog

This blog, as well as my other platforms NEED to start financing themselves because I can’t afford to pay for them. Lol. So, I need to find ways to make money off this so I can use that money to finance this platform. The blog must be financially independent this year.

Those are my blogging goals for the year. They aren’t many but they are definitely big. So, I’ll be breaking these down into quarterly goals and that’s how I’ll work towards them. The 12 Week year!

What are some of your goals for this year? Your personal goals, content goals or whatever goals they may be. Leave a comment below! I’d love to hear what you have and offer you some sort of accountability.

Thanks for reading!

Wonani Xx

3 Things I’ve Learnt About God From Leaders Advance 2023

On the 21st of September 2023, I traveled to Malaysia. It was my first time back since leaving the country in 2021. My entire time there was filled with amusement, shock, excitement and strangely a sense of being home. There are a million little miracles that lead up to this point, some of which I will share here and the rest on my podcast which you should absolutely listen to.

Let me give you a backstory. For those who are new here, I lived in Malaysia for slightly over 4 years. I moved there for school in 2017 and in the same year, walked into Kingdomcity for the first time after being invited by my friend. The church was quite big but it didn’t feel that way when I first walked in. It immediately felt like home.

Kingdomcity Zambia eventually opened in 2019 and that was so exciting for me. I couldn’t get as involved as I would have loved to in Kingdomcity when I was in university because well, uni, and I was a little far from where we would meet for church.

Fast forward to 2021, it was time to leave the country, I was officially done with university. However, my leaving didn’t feel final. I kept saying I would be back in the country definitely not for university but for something else. At the time, I didn’t think that had anything to do with Kingdomcity but purely vacations.

When Leaders Advance 23 was announced last year in Botswana, I just knew I had to go. I spoke to my dad about it and his only response was that I would have to pay for everything myself. I did. 5000 people, from all over the world, in Kuala Lumpur for a four day conference that changed everything for me.

In this post, I will share three things I have learnt about God in the lead up to, during and after Leaders Advance 2023.

1. All things work together for the good of those that love Him…

I have come to learn that really, all things work together for good. The great things and even the horrible things. Half the time I was in Malaysia, I couldn’t believe I was there. I kept thinking, “How did we get here?!” Looking back now, I see the Lord’s hand in all the good and bad stuff I’ve experienced over the last few years. From how I ended up studying in Malaysia, who introduced me to Kingdomcity, all the chaos of the last year and how “suddenly” things started looking up for me. Nothing was a mistake, nothing was an accident.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 

Romans 8:28

There is a lot of peace that comes with knowing that good will come out of whatever bad thing you may be going through now. My “bad thing” was God’s way of separating me from certain people and preparing me for what was to come. All things work together for the good of those that love Him.

2. Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you…

I always say God cares about every little thing that concerns us. I’ve seen it and I have experienced it before but during the week of LA23, the care was very loud and overwhelming.

Imposter Syndrome is nothing new to me. I hadn’t experienced it in a while but during this trip, it came rushing in like a flood. I’m the youth rep at my church and we had a youth session during LA. So youth reps from different countries were in the room and some who I am really inspired by. During a meeting we had, I found myself questioning and doubting myself. I was sitting with people who have (through the Lord) pioneered large youth movements in their countries. I started to wonder if I had the necessary skills to do what was done there, here. I felt like the imposter in the room. Eventually though, I recognized this as deception and when the meeting was done, I started to counter those inadequacy thoughts with what the Lord says about me. After all, who am I to deny what the Lord can do?

The very same day, I was talking about all this with my boyfriend and he started to hype me up and just telling me about how “big” I actually am and not to doubt myself. As he should, really. He talked about me achieving dreams but also remembering to just learn from those who have gone before me. I took him seriously but then I also thought, “He is just doing what he should do.”

The next day, we had a Beautiful Morning Women’s breakfast event. My friends and I walked into the venue and chose places to sit randomly. Each seat had a scripture card card on it and I didn’t notice mine at first but when I did, this is what was written:

Never doubt God's mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.
Ephesians 3:20

I almost cried because suddenly, all my doubts of the previous day were minute. I was reminded of what my boyfriend said the day before and I just smiled to myself because God was actually really listening to me. He was hearing my heart and reminding me that I should be glad I’m not doing anything by myself.

So I move on from that and the very same day, for the evening session, everyone was just going crazy praising and worshipping. During prayer, the person in front of me turned around and started telling me about a fulfilment of dreams. Yes. Imagine that. At this point, I was thinking, “Okay God, I hear you. I get it,” with tears in my eyes.. The same thing happened the following day. Two of the most random people came up to me and said the same thing, I suppose to clear up any doubts I had.

All these moments and more just reminded me of how good God is. Sometimes we have dreams that people may classify as too big or unrealistic. Sometimes doubt is an entry for the enemy to shut those dreams down. However, realize you aren’t doing anything on your own but you the Lord fights for and with you.

Stop sleeping, get up and do the work. He will fulfil it.

3. Nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God

This one speaks for itself. Every carefully orchestrated moment, every word spoken to me, every person I sat next to, shared a room with, everything I ate, every flight I got on, everything I was able to do was just a demonstration of God’s love for me. I was, and still am, in awe of the Lord and how He would look at a broken and lost Wonani and decide that I’m the one He is choosing and I am the one He loves.

I know a lot of times we are desperate for a reminder that God loves us, sometimes we don’t even believe that He does. So, if you were looking for a reminder, consider this, that. Look through all the little moments in your life that you may have overlooked. Those where you didn’t think it could have been God. The times a stranger was kind, the times you felt true joy and even the times everything was falling apart and yet you’re still here. He is still choosing you. He still loves you.

I learnt so much more but if I wrote everything, we would never reach the end of this blogpost. Let me know of any thoughts you have on this, any comments, any questions, etc. I’ll be glad to read them and interact with you.

What have you been learning about God? Leave a comment below and let me know!

Thank you so much for reading!

Wonani Xx

Blogging Again… This Time With Purpose

I have had quite the unhealthy relationship with this blog over the last couple of years and part of the reason why is that after I went through some personal life changes, I haven’t really known what to write about. I needed to step away for some time and just really make sure I understood the purpose of this blog. I realized I was just writing stuff without any intention for the information I’m putting out but simply because I could.

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