Fears That Creatives Should Overcome

Fears that creatives should overcome

“I’m not sure I can actually write on this because I’m not in this industry.” Those were my first thoughts when I read the WinterABC theme for this week. “Am I actually a creative?” I did a lot of reading and it turns out that I am, in fact, a creative. Writers are creatives too.

In the past, whenever I thought of creatives, the people that came to mind first were the artists dressed in their paint splattered overalls, the photographers with a great eye for detail, or even the artist who started by releasing their music on SoundCloud. The writer who had to do so many edits, change the plot of the book countless times or have 24 drafts sitting on their computer and yet having nothing to write about (me), never made it to the front of the list. I hope it sticks in my head now that writers are creatives too.

It’s been amazing to see so many people tap into the creative parts of them. In fact, I believe human beings are creative by nature. We create to survive. Whether it’s creating content or creating a vaccine, we all have the ability to create in one way or another.

Being a beginner in the creative field is not easy at all. Granted, some do have it easier than others but generally, there are a few things to overcome when getting into that space. I’ve been actively blogging for a couple of years. There are some things I was afraid of at the beginning of the blogging journey and there are things I’m still afraid of now. I believe this could be the case for other creatives too. I’ll share a few of them with you.

Fear of being vulnerable

Opening up to a bunch of people you really don’t know is not fun. The cool thing about vulnerability when creating content is that it adds a human element to one’s work. Whether it is in your paintings, poetry, music, your podcast, your blog or whatever it is you do, being vulnerable just makes you even more relatable and your work even more authentic.

There is something about reading or listening to poetry laced with the actual emotions of the poet. Be it their joy, their sadness, or their fear. I’m not one to look at paintings and be so mind-blown but I have heard people deduce the feelings of the artist and the message the artist was sending, just by looking at the painting.

The human element has always been something nice for me. Listening to podcasts and feeling like I can actually connect with the person behind the voice always makes me go back for more. As a consumer, it works out but being the creative, not so much.

If you’ve ever written a poem that suddenly became too personal or recorded a podcast and found yourself saying too much, I know you may understand how scary it is to let other people read or listen to that. That’s one of my fears as a creative. Being vulnerable.

Of course, I don’t need to have emotionally laden conversations on my blog every time but sharing my feelings in small doses, through my work should be fine and helpful in overcoming the fear of being vulnerable. Also, being completely aware of my feelings has been helpful in this area too. Be aware of your feelings.

Not being creative enough

The fear that I’m not interesting enough or fear that I’m not creative enough has gotten in the way of me doing a few things. One of the ways I’m trying to overcome this now is by building up on what I believe I can already do and turn that into something more.

What is the measure of creativity anyway? Who decides if you’re creative enough or not? I know some things are pushed on us because of public response. You see how well the public responds to Sara’s* work and because your work is very different from Sara’s, you think maybe you’re not creative enough. I don’t know. Don’t compare yourself to others and don’t let others be a measure of your creativity.
(*I used the name Sara because of a show I recently watched. This is not intended to offend anyone named Sara.)

Overcoming the fear of not being creative enough requires you to look within yourself. Identify what you’re good at and go up from there.

Fear of failure

This is a very common fear. Sometimes we fear failure so much, we never even try. When I first started the blog, I wrote about some fears I had and one of them was failure. Failure is terrible but we still have to try.

Try and record that video, record the podcast, get a blank canvas and paint, send that e-mail etc. Whatever you do, just try. Sometimes, you just trying is a bigger victory than you succeeding in the end.
If you try and end up failing, then learn from whatever mistakes you made. So many people in the creative industry failed at something when just starting out. What matters is what you do after. Lose the fear of failure.

You Can Also Read: Addressing Fear

Some people may disagree but I say, start small. I’ll give an example, when I first started blogging, I planned to post once or twice a week. My mom advised me against it. She suggested I post once a month and then if I can make that work, move on to twice a month. Of course, I didn’t listen and failed miserably at that I ended up abandoning the blog for a while.
My advice to you is if you’re just starting out, in whatever industry you’ve chosen, start small and then once you’re comfortable in that field or environment and done some learning, add more.

Those are 3 fears I had when starting out as a blogger and 3 fears I have now that I’m getting closer to actually doing something I’ve wanted to for years. I hope my experience as a blogger helps me out and helps other creatives who are just beginning their journey.

You Can Also Read: Don’t: The African Content Creator Edition

Let me now what fears you had or have as a creative. Also, if you’re just starting out as a creative in whatever field, what are some fears you have? Leave a comment below? I’d love to hear from you and maybe we can help each other out.

Thanks for reading!
Wonani Xx

Hey guys! Happy new month! I should have posted yesterday but then realised I didn’t schedule the post so it never went up. Anyway, for the whole month of June, I’m taking part in the Afrobloggers Winter Blogging Challenge. If you have been here for a while, you know I took part last year too.

This means that for the month of June only, I will be posting every week day, following the themes given for the challenge! That is, everyday except weekends. If you would like to take part, please visit Afrobloggers website for more information and answers to any questions you might have.

You Can Also Read: WinterABC 2020

The theme for this week is “Creatives Week”. I’m looking forward to reading what everyone comes up with this month and interacting with everyone. With that said, I’ll be back tomorrow. Follow the blog to keep up with everything! Thank you.

49 thoughts on “Fears That Creatives Should Overcome

  1. Happy New Month Wonani! Of course, I relate a lot to the fears mentioned in your amazing writeup. You’re absolutely correct. At one point or the other, we all go through these phases. For me, I’m scared of delivering false information sometimes and getting corrected in the comments of my blog posts. And that’s why I try to research as much as I can.

    Great post as always!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow… you’ve said it all here Wonani. These were my exact fears and more when I decided to start my blog and show myself as a writer to the world. There was so much I didn’t know and so I was afraid. There’s still so much I don’t know that I’m still learning each day from being a writer and a blogger and a student at the same time (which is not easy… whew😥). But in all I humble myself and learn from those who have more insight and try to build my own personal brand without doing too much.

    Great post dear. Can’t wait to read more of what you got✌🏾❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Whew I relate to that. Juggling all this with being a student? An extreme sport.
      I love that you are working on your personal brand. Notes taken lol.

      Thanks for reading Lizzie ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great joy to introduce or re-introduce to you, one of the most beautiful (in every sense of the word) and talented creatives in Africa, my very own superstar girl, WONANI!!! 🥳🥳🥳👏👏👏✨✨✨

    Yo! These fears are very real. My biggest fear as a creative (comes with branches) would be that of creating value, sustaining value, topping previous values and the ability to help others create valuable contents too. All of these while not losing myself, my essence, or getting too frustrated, and like Odenbk, being able to create wealth for myself and others as a creative.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahhhh 😭 Thank you thank you! “I just want to thank all those who supported me….” 😂

      Those are real fears and very relatable. I hope we can overcome them!

      Thanks for reading! I miss youuuu ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Soul sister 🤝🤝🤝
    Firstly this is like a week’s work Yoh.
    You have said it all and it spoke volumes…with the industry growing many think they are not creative enough hence not even refer to themselves as creatives. It’s a journey thanks for making it easier.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. This is just beautiful
    I loved everything about it. I actually have all these fears and i actually felt skeptical when i saw the themes i actually thought i am clueless but i am willing to take up the challenge and see how far I can stretch

    Great post this was

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You and I both. I still don’t have some topics figured out 😂
      I’m going with the wind at this point.
      It shall be well lol

      Thanks Lebogang 🤗


  6. You took the words right out of my mouth. I have been dealing with so many insecurities with my blog. It’s something I have to overcome. There have been times where I have gone weeks and months without posting because i was not confident about my work.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I totally feel you.
      That is something you need to work on because girl, you have really good content.

      All the best in your journey of overcoming 🤗


  7. Hi Wonani, I also never felt like I belonged to this category of people till last year’s writing challenge so I hear you loud and clear. Your site is organized just like this piece, looking forward to reading more of you. Cheers

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Arghhh – I have all these fears and they’re so hard to overcome. Fear of not being good enough has stopped me from trying out for so many things. 🙈🙈 I’m hoping my blogging experience will help me overcome my fears.

    Ooh. Posting ever day? Wow! I haven’t done that since I started blogging in April’20 (Discover Challenge). Good luck!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I totally relate to that! I think you’re really good at what you do now and I’m optimistic you will be really good at whatever you set out to do next.
      Don’t let that fear make you miss out on amazing things.

      Well at least I hope it will be everyday. I’m at a really tricky point in my semester sooooo yeah 😂
      Thank you so much ❤


  9. For a long time I never thought of myself as a writer, I still find it hard to identify because I always think it’s not good enough. As in who am I even? As for being vulnerable I get a mini anxiety attacks each time I post something personal. And for some reason it’s always personal. Lately I think of a career in writing because of creatives like you. So keep trail blazing. I/we see you and love you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I relate to you so so much!

      I’ve read your work and I think you are a really good writer.
      Being vulnerable is definitely something. Sharing parts of yourself with strangers can be daunting but I hope with time, the anxiety fades.

      You are too kind and I love you too! You’ll do great with a writing career. I’m cheering you on! 🎉

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I enjoyed reading this Wonani, and yes writers are creatives too. My fear as a creative is not making enough economically to sustain a family. This is what I love but I am always asking myself if this love can feed me and loved ones. I am afraid of messing up life pursuing passion when I should be pursuing survival.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Oh wow.
      This is valid. I think that’s one of the challenging things about completely pursuing passion.
      That’s as real as life gets.

      I think we just have to give it our best and be hopeful we made the right choice.

      Thanks for reading 😊


    2. Me too! Because I really enjoy it but is sustainable down the road. And mostly I worry that when there’s not enough it I’ll start to hate it…so much pressure thrown on something that should be enjoyable.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Hahaha yes!! The length of the blog posts. The length of titles for me too. Sometimes it’s hard to make things short and then you fear people thinking it’s too long.

      I’m glad you still post! Whether they are long or not. You do an amazing job!
      Thanks for reading 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi Wonani,

    Thank for sharing some of fears as a creative. For me, vulnerability is also one of my fears. I think every creative experiences this. When I first started out sharing my biracial experiences, I freaked out. There were so many things on my mind that I wanted to omit that category all together. I’m glad I didn’t. Another fear for me is writing, sometimes I think I’m too basic when I read other people’s work. But that’s just fear. I’m always working on my writing everytime.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Yuri.

      First of all, let me just say I have learnt a lot from you sharing your biracial experiences so I’m glad you kept the category.
      Vulnerability is scary but really necessary sometimes.

      I relate so much to thinking my work is too basic! Even just today I felt like that. I’m happy you’re always working on your writing everytime. Thanks for sharing that. Now I’ll try to actively work on my writing too.

      Thanks for your comment Yuri ❤

      Liked by 2 people

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