10 Study Tips For University

Studying can be a very big part of your university life and knowing how to effectively study is extremely important. Some subjects will require more attention than others because some may have exams and others may not. Studying requires a certain level of discipline and willingness. While studying can be hard to do sometimes, once you figure ways that work for you, it can become easy, while still requiring effort.

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The Thing About Making Money As A Student in Zambia

Hey guys! If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know I’m a student. I think I say this in every other blog post because it will give you a rough idea of what stage I’m at in life. I don’t know if that is a good or bad thing.
The internet has so many tips on how to make money as a student. Making money as a student in Zambia is not the easiest thing. It is possible, but it certainly is not easy.

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6 Things I’ve Come to Realize Through Online Meetings

Online Learning

Hey everyone! It has been slightly over a year since I started learning online and using my laptop/phone for practically everything. Malaysia is in its third lock down. I don’t see these online classes ending any time soon. I’m sure I will have graduated before physical classes become a thing again. However, I am definitely used to it now so I can’t complain about it as much as I did the last time I wrote about learning online.

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Tips For Working From Home (Online classes, work etc.)

Hello everyone! A few months ago I wrote about my online learning experience and some friends asked me how I went about it so I thought I’d share that here too because, content.
I didn’t think we would need these tips but it turns out I have another online semester coming and so do some of you. I hope this isn’t too late!
Also, in an interesting turn of events, Malaysia is under a Conditional Movement Control Order in some states (again) which means I can’t work from the office so my internship is in my room. What better time to bring this post up than when I need it?!
Also, my next semester only starts next month but if I don’t post this now, I never will because I might give up on online school. (I really should be used to it by now.)

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